Saturday, August 17, 2013

This, from a Beer Company - Really?

Today's image is again, from "The Muncey's" magazine, 1906. There are all kinds of wonderful ads and images in this magazine, and this one is, I think, exceptional! They are apparently targeting men AND women with this ad. It's from Anheuser Busch company, promoting their 1906 art calendar. Oh, how I would love to see this entire calendar! The promotional images in the ad are just stunning! So stunning, I had to separate four of the images, so not only are you getting the complete ad today, you're also getting four individual images, straightened and enlarged! I'd really love to see how you use any of these images! So many possibilities! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by! Hugs Diana


  1. Who would've thought a beer company would put out something so beautiful! Glad you like :) Hugs d.

  2. Thank you Love these older photo's Hugs Kay
