Sunday, August 18, 2013

Put a Little Pink in Your Day :)

Good Morning! It's a rainy, gloomy day in here in Maryland, so what better way to brighten it up than to put a little pink in it! Today's images (three of them!) are gorgeous pink flowers from a Victorian scrapbook. These scrapbooks fascinate me. They are the most basic form of scrapbooking - certainly nothing like today's scrapbooks! No frills, no embellishments. LOADS of fussy cutting! These scrapbooks are so interesting because the ladies would just cut out what they liked, or what they had, and glue it down into the scrapbooks. The ladies would also sometimes include cards they received, paper merit awards from school, and advertising trading cards - the original ATC's! So much variety within the books!

Today, everything is about acid-free to prolong the life of our scrapbooks. One of the things I find incredibly interesting about the Victorian scrapbooks is that back then, 'acid-free' wasn't even a consideration! I've no idea what type of glue was used back then, but it certainly hasn't affected the quality of the images glued into the books! The only 'wear' seems to be the pages of the scrapbooks themselves, discolored and brittle. But I do love the discoloration of the book pages! Ask me what my favorite color is, and I'll tell you it's vintage!

With these particular images, I've given them a white background so you can digitally cut them to use as digi stamps, if you would like.  But, I'd like to know if you would prefer to have future images with the original discolored paper backgrounds, or if you prefer a clean white background?

Enjoy these gorgeous flowers, share them and spread the word! There's loads more to come!

Thanks for stopping by :) Hugs d.


  1. Love these images. For future posts I would like to have both if at all possible in order to maximize their potential usage in crafting. In some applications they would look better in the vintage color form. And in other applications it would serve better having a white background, to be able to minimize waste when fussy cutting the images. Thanks for sharing your images with us. I realize the work involved is time consuming, and as a crafter I appreciate the gift you are giving us.

  2. I'll see what I can do to give you both images Alice :) The vintage color is the easy part, as all I have to do is scan, lol! I appreciate your input! I'm so glad you're enjoying the images :) Hugs d.

  3. Hi Diane! I second Miss Alice's motion on the floor! =D These are beautiful and thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share your treasures with us! Loves ya! Janet
