Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to my blog! Why "I Should be Vintage" you ask? Well, I've always thought I should have been born in an earlier era! Although I'm a contemporary, work outside the home woman, just like a lot of you, my love of vintage goes back to when I was a little girl. Back then, it was just "pretty." Now, as I've grown older, (though I'm not vintage yet, lol!) I've acquired a true appreciation of the details and beauty of vintage - the history, craftsmanship, fashions, designs. I believe this appreciation began when I started to do my family history about 15 years ago, viewing the photographs.

I am now addicted to vintage photos, images, jewelry, laces and linens! I've been acquiring a collection through yard sales, flea markets, auctions and antique stores. The hunt is so much fun, and the score! Well, the score is thrilling!! As you follow my blog, wherever you come across this: ~~~~~~~~~~! Well, that's me doing the happy dance about a find!

I've been slowly scanning my photo and images collections. I use them in my art, whether it be digital art, altered art, or furniture re-hab projects. I can't bring myself to use the originals - they're just too special! So, since I am scanning them, I hope by sharing them here on this blog, they will remain vital as a part of history. All of the images you will see are from my private collection, unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use the vintage images as you wish, with the exception of compiling in digital format for re-sale. If you are posting them on-line as part of your projects, I simply ask that you link back to this blog. Doing so will encourage me to share more of my collection with you!

I hope you enjoy coming to visit me here! Below is my first image contribution to the blog. It's my intention and hope that the images are high resolution and that you will be able to right-click on the image and save it to your computer! Here goes!

This image is from the book "Stepping Stone to Happiness," published in 1887. I love this image and hope you do to! Thank you for stopping by, commenting, and spreading the word!


  1. Hi Diane! What a great idea to do a blog featuring your love for vintage and then sharing it with us! Love you Sis! Janet =D

    1. Thanks sissy J! Been wanting to do this for a long time & finally figured it out! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting :) Hugs d.

  2. Hiya Sis! Thought I'd left a comment yesterday but when it came to "select profile" I have not a clue. So I picked "Google Account" the only one I know I use. But comment when I came on today?
    Love your Blog anyway!
    June x

  3. So glad you found it Sis! Hope you'll find lots of images here that you'll want to use :) Big Hugs xx d.
